2023 DRCBA Schomberg Fair Show
The show was held inside the white tent so the rabbits were sheltered from the hot sun The DRCBA puts on a rabbit and cavy show at the Schomberg Fair. This was a single show with the rabbit judging done by a DRCBA judge Doris Brady. This was a fun fair show for us so I only brought our two Jr REW EAs, Uncle Buck and Unity, and a few baby Satin Angoras. Mary Grillo brought her REW EAs and Julie Martin brought her colored EAs including a couple Broken babies, a variety which is showable under DRCBA rules! Judge Doris being assisted by Julie Martin, judge in training Oh the joys of showing white rabbits, especially angoras! It seems all of our white angoras that day were having their own contest of who can poop themselves more in one day. We all had to clean some very messy butts on our rabbits. Uncle Buck pooped himself earlier in the day and Unity remained clean all day until about half hour before we were due to show! Unity being messy 20min later after some grooming magic Both Un...