Angora Breeders
This is a list of rabbitry prefixes or rabbitry names you may have come across in your pedigree or have heard mentioned including the names of the breeders behind them. Some of these breeders are still actively breeding, some have retired from breeding or have passed away. Here is who they are. While some specialize in only one breed of angoras, some breed or have bred multiple angora breeds. A Angora Gardens Christine Auclair , QC B Bermah Josee Maher , QC C Chu Betty Chu, CA Constellation Julie Gordie, FL Cuddle Bunnies Melissa Hunter Cracovia Beatrice Putowski, NY D xx E Electric (that's us!) Marta Wajngarten , ON F Flowers Kimberly Flowers, FL Fuzzybutts Robin Olson, NC Fuzzibutts Melissa Deitrich, DE Farfelu Shannon Carter, ON G Golden Coast Cora Gabriel, BC Greenleaves Ana Ederich, OH Glamz Gaby Gilbeau, H Happy Hops Holly Faubert, AB Hunneshagen Brenda Hunneshagen, NY Heart Felt Hare Debbie Mccormick, VA Hunnibunnies Natalia Vera, OH I xx J xx K xx L Lonesome Pines Pe...