
2025 Schedule of Ontario Rabbit Shows

  Below is a listing of upcoming shows in Ontario as well as our neighbouring province of Quebec. This list will be updated as shows are announced.  Rabbit shows in Ontario are held under one of two organizations: The American Rabbit Breeders Association ( ARBA ) which is an international organization that has shows across the world, and the  Dominion Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Association ( DRCBA ) which is a Canadian organization that puts on shows in Ontario.  You do not have to be a member of any of the above organizations in order to participate in the shows. Simply contact the show secretary to register your entries. Rabbits are not required to be pedigreed or registered in order to participate. They simply need to meet the physical requirements of the breed which they are entered as in the show. Both ARBA and DRCBA have their own rule books and breed standards (much but not all of the breed standards overlap). All shows are open to public visitors. ARBA shows in...

2024 Toronto Royal Winter Fair DRCBA Show

As always, the Toronto Royal Fair show was tremendous fun. There were hundreds of people stopping by to admire the incredible fluffy Angora rabbits. Many were shocked that these were real animals, or that they were in fact rabbits and not little fluffy dogs or cats.  Banana getting her coat refreshed for the show as a crowd gathered to watch I only brought one English Angora to show, a senior tort doe, Electric Banana. Electric Freddy, a young pearl English Angora buck came along for people to have a bunny to touch and cuddle with so that Banana's coat wouldn't be ruined for her show.  The Angoras section Freddy cuddled and took pictures with countless kids for hours and was spectacular at it. People couldn't believe how docile and sweet he was. One little boy even asked "Is it alive?" after Freddy sat in his lap without moving through the entire photo session.  Angora fiber demo and display It makes me so happy to be able to share the joy these amazing rabbits ca...

Meet Us at the Royal!

You know the drill! Once a year, the country comes to the city! We will be back competing at the Toronto Royal Winter Fair's rabbit show and angora wool competition.  Come, meet our rabbits and feel their wool.  The show takes place on Sun Nov 10, the last day of the fair, in the Ring of Excellence. Easy to find, that's right next to the food court. 

2024 Spencerville ARBA Show

Held on Sep 28 in the village of Spencerville near Ottawa this event had 3 Open shows. We had a total of 13 English Angoras being shown by 5 competitors. I only brought the two senior girls who were still in coat, Banana and Dejavu. It was refreshing to attend a show with only 2 rabbits! I got to socialize and relax. In Show A under judge Vincent Consiglio, Banana earned 3rd out of 6 Colored Senior Does, beat out by Mary's Bacardi in 1st and Gemini in 2nd. Dejavu earned 2nd White Senior Doe to Mary's Margarita, with Mary's Priscilla coming in 3rd.  In Show B under judge Paul Jurgelonis, Banana won 1st Colored Senior Doe. She was followed by Mary's Gemini in 2nd and Bacardi in 3rd. She then went on to win BOV and BOB, earning a leg for those wins. Dejavu again took 2nd with Margarita and Priscilla placing same as in Show B.  In Show C under judge Tom Schweikart, Banana came in 3rd with Gemini in 1st and Bacardi in 3rd. This time Dejavu earned 1st White Senior Doe and wen...

2024 Komoka ARBA Show

Unfortunately I broke my wrist this summer and was unable to handle or groom any of my rabbits for a month. A few of the rabbits went to new homes so they could receive the care they needed. I'm lucky that my family was able to step up and help caring for the others. After a month of no grooming, I was finally able to do some limited blow outs and some minor combing while the rabbit was on the grooming stand. Grooming while wearing a cast on a hand with decreased strength and range of motion proved to be very challenging and painful, so I didn't do much of it. While not ideal, this turned out to be a great opportunity to test how the coats on each rabbit behaved. A couple were prone to matting and ultimately had to be shaved but others proved to do shockingly well. Ysadora, a senior girl in full show coat barely had any matting on her and her half sister Banana did fairly well while transitioning into her senior coat. But go figure, having to survive a summer of no grooming in ...

2024 Cortland ARBA Show

I sent 3 of our whites on a field trip with auntie Christina to compete at TARBA in Cortland, NY! It was a coordinated international effort to have a good turn out of English Angoras at this big show. It worked.  There was a total of 32 English Angoras competing from 6 different competitors including Yvone Lyons, a power house breeder who's English Angoras routinely win and take multiple top placements at the Convention.  I sent 3 whites: 7mo old Narimoto, 4mo old Anakin, and 3m old Bianca.  Christina brought 2 Colored Jr Does. Tammy brought a Colored Jr Buck, Colored Jr Doe, 1 White Sr Doe, and 2 White Jr Does. Yvonne brought 2 Sr Colored Does, 2 Jr Bucks, 8 Jr Does, and in White 2 Jr Bucks and 3 Jr Does.  Kayleigh brought a Jr Colored Doe, and Jayne brought 3 Colored Jr Bucks and a White Jr Doe.  In Show A judged by Eric Stewart: Electric Narimoto won BOSV and BOSB! Electric Anakin won 1st place for White Jr Bucks (I still can't believe he beat the Lyons boys,...

2024 Millbrook ARBA Show

 Wallaby!  Total of 10 English Angoras showing under 2 exhibitors. Show A - Tom Schweikart, PA Colored Sr Bucks, 1/1 1. Julie's Chocolate Tort - BOV, BOB Colored Sr Does, 2/1 1. Julie's 233 2. Julie's 234 Colored Jr Bucks, 1/1 1. Electric Billie Bob - BOSV Colored Jr Does, 2/1 1. Electric Ysadora - BOV, BOSB 2. Electric Banana White Sr Bucks, 3/2 1. Electric Narimoto - BOV 2.  Julie's PRE  3.  Electric Anakin White Jr Does, 1/1 1. Electric Bianca - BOSV Show B - Mark Fiorentino Colored Sr Bucks, 1/1 1. - Colored Sr Does, 2/1 1. Julie's 234 - BOV, BOB 2. Julie's 233 Colored Jr Bucks, 1/1 1. Electric Billy Bob, BOSV Colored Jr Does, 2/1 1. Electric Ysadora 2. Electric Banana White Sr Bucks, 3/2 1. Electric Narimoto 2. Electric Anakin 3. Julie's PRE White Jr Does, 1/1 1. Electric Bianca

2024 Brooklyn ARBA Show

 Another fun fair show Total of 8 English Angoras showing under 2 exhibitors. Show A - Joel Marshall, OH Colored Jr Bucks, 1/1 1. Mary's 123 - BOSV Colored Jr Does, 2/2 1. Electric Ysadora - BOV, BOSB 2. Mary's 820 White Sr Bucks, 1/1 1. Electric Narimoto  - BOV, BOB White Jr Bucks, 2/2 1. Electric Anakin  2. Mary's 798 White Jr Does, 2/1 1. Mary's 841 - BOSV 2. Mary's 412 Show B - Gordon Williams, OH Colored Jr Bucks, 1/1 1. Mary's 123 - BOSV Colored Jr Does, 2/2 1. Electric Ysadora - BOV, BOSB 2. Mary's 820 White Sr Bucks, 1/1 1. Electric Narimoto White Jr Bucks, 2/2 1. Electric Anakin - BOV, BOB 2. Mary's 798 White Jr Does, 2/1 1. Mary's 841 - BOSV 2. Mary's 412

2024 Rockton ARBA Show

Total of 17 English Angoras showing under 4 exhibitors. Show A - John Richter, ON Colored Sr Bucks, 2/2 1. Electric Lego - BOSV, BOSB 2. Christina's Donnie Colored Sr Does, 2/1 1.  Electric Lilu - BOV 2. Electric Nevada Lights Colored Jr Does, 3/3 1. Liza 2.  Electric Ysadora 3. Ryanne White Sr Bucks, 1/1 1. Electric Narimoto - BOSV White Sr Does, 2/2 1. Electric Onesie - BOV, BOB 2. Tammy's Fairy  White Jr Bucks, 4/3 1. Electric Anakin 2. Marty 3. Linus 4. Titus White Jr Does, 3/3 1. Shirley 2.  Electric Annabelle 3. Dahlia White BOV: Electric Onesie White BOSV: Electric Narimoto Color BOV: Electric Lilu Color BOSV:  Electric Lego BOB:  Electric Onesie BOSB:  Electric Lego Show B - Emily Ashton, ON Colored Sr Bucks, 2/2 1. Electric Lego - BOSV, BOSB 2. Christina's Donnie Colored Sr Does, 2/1 1.  Electric Lilu, BOV, BOB 2. Electric Nevada Lights Colored Jr Does, 3/3 1.  Electric Ysadora 2. Ryanne 3. Liza White Sr Bucks, 1/1 1. Electric Narimo...

2024 Burford ARBA Show

What a way to get this show season started!  Total of 27 English Angoras shown by 5 exhibitors. Amazing time with a bunch of amazing people! Attending from team Electric were Lego, 10mo old Blue Tort buck Lego's sister, Lilu, a Blue Tort growing back a beautiful coat after having babies couple months earlier Zero Hour, 1yr old Black doe, also a recent mother 5mo old Nevada, tort doe and her REW brother Narimoto Ysadora and Yorkie, 14wk old tort sisters 5mo old Onesie, REW doe Anakin and Annabelle, Zero's 12wk old REW babies Show A - Bryan Shirk, MI Colored Sr Bucks, 2/2 1. Electric Lego - BOSV 2. Julie's Chocolate Tort Colored Sr Does, 5/3 1. Electric Lilu 2. Julie's 233 3. Electric Zero Hour 4. Julie's 234 5. Christina's Rizzo Colored Jr Bucks, 5/3 1. Laura's Prince 2. Tammy's Marbles 3. Christina's Jack Colored Jr Does, 6/3 1. Electric Nevada Lights - BOV, BOB 2. Ryanne 3. Electric Ysadora 4. Liza 5. Electric Yorkie 6. Felicia White Sr Does, 1/1 1....

Recognizing REW Babies

We've all been there. Waiting on pins and needles for the babies to arrive and then waiting on more pins and needles to find out what color they are. There are several colors that can look the same at birth and require for us to wait until either enough coat grows in or until the eyes open in order to begin to identify it.  Many colors start off as pink babies at birth. Anything that is white or non extension, so REW, BEW, Torts, Fawns, and Pearls to name a few. Once the hair starts growing in, you can at least tell if that pink baby is turning white or tan, but if you have a suspected litter of REWs and BEWs or possibly Ermines, your wait will continue. But it doesn't have to. There is a very simple and reliable way to identify REW babies soon after they are born. In fact the earlier, the better.  When rabbit babies are born, their skin is still very thin. This includes the skin of the eyelids. Their eyelids are so thin in fact that we can to some degree see the color of thei...

Vote on Significant Changes to Recognized Angora Colors

Please note, this article is not in it's finished version. I am publishing this draft version in order to get this information out there as soon as possible as this is an urgent matter and time for action is limited. The voting ballot for these proposed changes must be printed in it's entirety (it is 10 pages long) and mailed in within the US Mail post mark deadline of February 15.  ------- The most recent National Angora Rabbit Breeders Association (NARBC) club newsletter, which was sent out to all current club members on December 6, contains a voting ballot which all Angora enthusiasts should be aware of.  The board of directors as well as the members of the NARBC Standards Committee have agreed upon a number of changes to the club's constitution as well as changes to the breed standards. In order for these changes to become reality, they must first be voted on by the club's members. The newsletter preface for this ballot includes this statement: "The Committee h...