
Showing posts from April, 2024

2024 Burford ARBA Show

What a way to get this show season started!  Total of 27 English Angoras shown by 5 exhibitors. Amazing time with a bunch of amazing people! Attending from team Electric were Lego, 10mo old Blue Tort buck Lego's sister, Lilu, a Blue Tort growing back a beautiful coat after having babies couple months earlier Zero Hour, 1yr old Black doe, also a recent mother 5mo old Nevada, tort doe and her REW brother Narimoto Ysadora and Yorkie, 14wk old tort sisters 5mo old Onesie, REW doe Anakin and Annabelle, Zero's 12wk old REW babies Show A - Bryan Shirk, MI Colored Sr Bucks, 2/2 1. Electric Lego - BOSV 2. Julie's Chocolate Tort Colored Sr Does, 5/3 1. Electric Lilu 2. Julie's 233 3. Electric Zero Hour 4. Julie's 234 5. Christina's Rizzo Colored Jr Bucks, 5/3 1. Laura's Prince 2. Tammy's Marbles 3. Christina's Jack Colored Jr Does, 6/3 1. Electric Nevada Lights - BOV, BOB 2. Ryanne 3. Electric Ysadora 4. Liza 5. Electric Yorkie 6. Felicia White Sr Does, 1/1 1....

Recognizing REW Babies

We've all been there. Waiting on pins and needles for the babies to arrive and then waiting on more pins and needles to find out what color they are. There are several colors that can look the same at birth and require for us to wait until either enough coat grows in or until the eyes open in order to begin to identify it.  Many colors start off as pink babies at birth. Anything that is white or non extension, so REW, BEW, Torts, Fawns, and Pearls to name a few. Once the hair starts growing in, you can at least tell if that pink baby is turning white or tan, but if you have a suspected litter of REWs and BEWs or possibly Ermines, your wait will continue. But it doesn't have to. There is a very simple and reliable way to identify REW babies soon after they are born. In fact the earlier, the better.  When rabbit babies are born, their skin is still very thin. This includes the skin of the eyelids. Their eyelids are so thin in fact that we can to some degree see the color of thei...