Vote on Significant Changes to Recognized Angora Colors
Please note, this article is not in it's finished version. I am publishing this draft version in order to get this information out there as soon as possible as this is an urgent matter and time for action is limited. The voting ballot for these proposed changes must be printed in it's entirety (it is 10 pages long) and mailed in within the US Mail post mark deadline of February 15. ------- The most recent National Angora Rabbit Breeders Association (NARBC) club newsletter, which was sent out to all current club members on December 6, contains a voting ballot which all Angora enthusiasts should be aware of. The board of directors as well as the members of the NARBC Standards Committee have agreed upon a number of changes to the club's constitution as well as changes to the breed standards. In order for these changes to become reality, they must first be voted on by the club's members. The newsletter preface for this ballot includes this statement: "The Committee h...