
Showing posts from August, 2023

Angora Down Duvet

This is something I made a couple years ago and still get people asking me for details on how it was made. If you would like to make one of these for yourself, here is how I did this. I made this duvet as a gift for my parents and they have been using it all year round and loving it. This is a wonderful way to use up any short clippings from your angora or to make something from your angora wool if you do not know how to spin it into yarn.  I started out by making a few tiny test sized pillows stuffed with various amounts of fiber of different lengths. I put those through a few washer and dryer cycles to see how they would fair. The ones with longer fiber did end up felting and creating various clumps which would have made the end product unusable. However the ones that were filled with finely shredded wool did just fine. So the key to making this project last long term is to use wool which ideally is around half an inch in length, up to an inch. At this length the wool turns into a so